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History of Li-Bridge

  • February 2021 – The Biden Administration issues an Executive Order on America’s Supply Chains 
  • June 2021 – The Federal Consortium for Advanced Batteries (FCAB) – established to put the U.S. on a path to long-term competitiveness in the global battery value chain and led by the Departments of Energy, Defense, Commerce, and State – releases a National Blueprint for Lithium Batteries, 2021 – 2030, which serves as the 100-day report requested in the Executive Order. 
  • October 2021 – Li-Bridge is created as a U.S. public-private partnership to bridge the gaps across the domestic battery supply chain battery ecosystem

Who makes up Li-Bridge?

Li-Bridge is facilitated through a competitively-selected alliance with three U.S.-based convenor organizations – NAATBatt International, New York Battery and Energy Storage Technology Consortium (NY-BEST), and New Energy Nexus, – representing over 600 industry stakeholders across the high-capacity domestic battery ecosystem.

Logos for organizations

Many DOE National Laboratories support this effort, including Berkeley Lab, ANL (coordinator), BNL, INL, NREL, ORNL, and PNNL.

National Lab logos

Li-Bridge is focused on bringing key stakeholders together to improve the lithium battery supply chain and marks the first collaboration of its kind in the US battery industry.

Relevant Reports
Li-Bridge Report – Building a Robust and Resilient U.S. Lithium Battery Supply Chain

February, 2023
An action plan released by the Li-Bridge public-private alliance representing collaborative efforts by more than 40 companies, with 26 recommended actions.

America’s Strategy to Secure the Supply Chain for a Robust Clean Energy Transition

February, 2022
Developed by DOE in response to Executive Order 14017 on America’s Supply Chains, the strategy summarizes the crucial elements of the energy supply chain, examines key technologies and crosscutting topics, and includes actions the U.S. government is employing or will soon employ to strengthen domestic clean energy supply chains.

Grid Energy Storage: Supply Chain Deep Dive Assessment

February, 2022
Developed by DOE, as part of the response to the request in Executive Order 14017 “America’s Supply Chains” for a 1-year report, this report includes evaluations of supply chains.

Fact Sheet – Achieving American Leadership in the Grid Storage Supply Chain

February, 2022
A Fact Sheet on the larger report – “Grid Energy Storage: Supply Chain Deep Dive Assessment.”

National Blueprint for Lithium Batteries, 2021 – 2030

June, 2021
Developed by FCAB, this document outlines a national blueprint to guide investments to put the U.S. on a path to long-term competitiveness in the global battery value chain.

Recent News

DOE and European Commission Support Collaboration Between the U.S. Li-Bridge Alliance and European Battery Alliance to Strengthen Supply Chain for Battery Technologies

Read DOE's News Release

DOE releases reports: America’s Strategy to Secure the Supply Chain for a Robust Clean Energy Transition” and can use the DOE logo as the image or something

Read DOE's News Release

Bridging the lithium battery supply chain gap — a new alliance in the U.S.

Read Argonne's News Release on Li-Bridge

European Commission and U.S. Department of Energy support collaboration between the European Battery Alliance and U.S. Li-Bridge Alliance to strengthen supply chain

Read the Eurpean Commission's News Release